Hello, world!

I am Aletheia Lorelei Verthandi.

And this is my website.

Vox clamantis in deserto, “the voice of one crying out in the wilderness.” Such was the motto of my alma mater, quoting (along with all four canonical gospels) the prophet Isaiah. Times being what they are, I could use some space to cry out. So here I am, making space, taking time. Giving myself a voice.

Aletheia Lorelei Verthandi is my name. It’s not my first name, it might not be my last, but for now, it’s the one that matters.

I am a scientist, performer, writer, artist, thinker.

I am a storyteller. I am a problem solver.

I am a human being.

I am alive.

My name is Aletheia Lorelei Verthandi.

And I am excited to share with you what that means.

